martes, 7 de junio de 2016


Estas son todas las versiones de Cleo que van a salir, con su nueva cara, vestuario y mini monsters.

La ultima Cleo, es la que menos hemos visto, y se trata de la nueva Cleo basica.


“New Cleo merchandise to come. I’m not the biggest fan of MH reboot but my favorite character’s modifications are not that bad. I particularly like the Bastet shoes and the red dress.

“New Cleo merchandise to come. I’m not the biggest fan of MH reboot but my favorite character’s modifications are not that bad. I particularly like the Bastet shoes and the red dress.
“New Cleo merchandise to come. I’m not the biggest fan of MH reboot but my favorite character’s modifications are not that bad. I particularly like the Bastet shoes and the red dress.
“New Cleo merchandise to come. I’m not the biggest fan of MH reboot but my favorite character’s modifications are not that bad. I particularly like the Bastet shoes and the red dress.
“New Cleo merchandise to come. I’m not the biggest fan of MH reboot but my favorite character’s modifications are not that bad. I particularly like the Bastet shoes and the red dress.
“New Cleo merchandise to come. I’m not the biggest fan of MH reboot but my favorite character’s modifications are not that bad. I particularly like the Bastet shoes and the red dress.

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