martes, 26 de enero de 2016


Son colecciones completas de mintypinkdarling:
Me encanta como las tiene, quedan muy bien asi puestas, yo lo intengto pero nada entre que tardo en completar colecciones, entre que no llegan... el espacio lo van ocupando otras y digamos que terminan por no llevar ningun orden :(


Some of my favorites shelves/displays at the moment.mintypinkdarling:

Some of my favorites shelves/displays at the moment.mintypinkdarling:

Some of my favorites shelves/displays at the moment.mintypinkdarling:

Some of my favorites shelves/displays at the moment.mintypinkdarling:

Some of my favorites shelves/displays at the moment.mintypinkdarling:

Some of my favorites shelves/displays at the moment.mintypinkdarling:

Some of my favorites shelves/displays at the moment.mintypinkdarling:

Some of my favorites shelves/displays at the moment.mintypinkdarling:

Some of my favorites shelves/displays at the moment.mintypinkdarling:

Some of my favorites shelves/displays at the moment.

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